
The two products from the extraction of palm kernels are crude palm kernel oil and palm kernel expeller. As the extraction of oil is basically a physical process under normal operational conditions, the quality of the final product is mainly dictated by the quality of raw material (palm kernels) provided that it is to be processed within a reasonable time frame.


Crude Palm Kernel Oil is edible plant oil derived and extracted from the soft part of the oil palm seed (the inner part). In the crude form, it is yellowish in colour and can be easily refined to a lighter-coloured oil, suitable for both edible and inedible applications. Among the major oils and fats in world trade, palm kernel oil is one of the lauric oils. They are called “lauric” because lauric acid is the major fatty acid in their composition. 


Palm Kernel Expeller is a by-product of crushing and expelling oil from palm kernels. The high-quality protein and high-fat content are considered a good source of energy whereas the high fibre content is considered as an essential nutrient for dairy cattle.

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